WONCA South Asia Region

WONCA has seven regions, each of which has their own regional Council and run their own regional activities including conferences. The WONCA South Asia Region is a pivotal part of the global network of family doctors, committed to advancing the discipline of family medicine and primary healthcare in one of the world's most diverse and populous regions. WONCA, the World Organization of Family Doctors, is the umbrella organisation supporting family physicians, general practitioners, and academic institutions dedicated to this medical specialty worldwide.

The South Asia Region includes India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. WONCA focuses on improving the quality of life by fostering high standards in general practice/family medicine, providing a forum for exchanging knowledge between members, and promoting family medicine as a discipline. The South Asia Region may hold conferences, workshops, and other events to facilitate education, collaboration, and professional development among family doctors in the region. AFPI is a full member of WONCA South Asia (SAR) and WONCA World

The WONCA South Asia region is a comparatively new region in WONCA. Our member organisations come from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, with some countries having more than one member. Bhutan and Maldives are also included in this region however they do not have a membership organisation yet. Dr Raman Kumar served as regional president of WONCA SAR from 2018- 2021. In December 2010, WONCA SAR region held the first regional conference in Kathmandu Nepal which proved a huge success. Ever since then several conferences have been organised in other cities of the region such as Mumbai, Chennai, Colombo, Lahore and Colombo. Next WONCA South Asia conference is scheduled to be held in April 2024.

Register for conference https://woncasarindia2025.com/