Spice Route Movement
AFPI is one of the founding members of the Spice Route Movement, a forum for young and future family doctors in South Asia region. The SPICE ROUTE is the WONCA South Asia Region working group for new and future doctors who have an interest in Family Medicine, General Practice and Primary Care. It aims to promote excellence in this field and to address the challenges pertaining to Global Health. Other similar groups in different parts of world are - the Vasco de Gama movement in Europe, the Rajakumar movement in the Asia-Pacific region, Waynakay in the Iberoamericana region, and Polaris the North America region. In India AFPI (Junior) and FFPAI (Senior) are linked through a formal MOU as Spice Route Partners.
Spice Route Launch: WONCA SAR Kathmandu 2010 by Prof Richard Roberts
Spice Route First Pre Conference Mumbai 2011
SPICE ROUTE held its first pre-conference at the occasion of the WONCA South Asia/FFPAI (Federation of Family Physicians’ Associations of India) conference held in collaboration with the AFPI (Academy of Family Physicians of India (www.afpionline.com), in Mumbai on 16th December 2011. There was active participation from approximately 80 new and future family/general practitioners from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.