AFPI Clinic Accreditation

The Clinic Accreditation Program by the Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI) is an initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of care in family practice clinics across the country. The program establishes a set of standards for clinics to follow, focusing on clinical governance, patient safety, infrastructure, and staff competence. By achieving accreditation, clinics demonstrate their commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centred care. This program supports continuous improvement and strengthens the trust between patients and healthcare providers, promoting excellence in primary healthcare services.

The AFPI Clinic Accreditation is a specialised program designed by the Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI) to recognize and promote excellence in primary healthcare settings. It establishes comprehensive standards for clinics to follow, covering key areas such as patient care, clinical protocols, safety, infrastructure, and operational management. Accredited clinics demonstrate their adherence to high-quality practices and a commitment to improving patient outcomes. This certification serves as a hallmark of trust and quality in family medicine, aiming to elevate the standards of healthcare delivery across India.


The AFPI Clinic Accreditation offers several benefits to clinics, healthcare providers, and patients: Enhanced Quality of Care: Clinics adhere to standardised protocols, ensuring consistent, high-quality healthcare services and improved patient outcomes.

Patient Trust and Confidence: Accreditation signals a commitment to safety, reliability, and professionalism, increasing patient trust and satisfaction. Improved Clinic Operations: It helps streamline clinical practices, staff training, and management processes, fostering a more efficient and effective healthcare environment.

Recognition and Credibility: Accredited clinics are recognized for meeting high standards, which enhances their reputation within the medical community and among patients. Continuous Improvement: The program encourages ongoing self-assessment and updates, promoting a culture of continuous quality enhancement in care delivery.

Competitive Advantage: Accredited clinics gain a competitive edge by differentiating themselves from non-accredited facilities, attracting more patients and healthcare professionals. Professional Development: Clinic staff benefit from exposure to best practices, leading to skill enhancement and professional growth. Overall, AFPI accreditation strengthens the clinic's commitment to delivering excellent primary care and fosters a culture of excellence in family medicine.


The AFPI Clinic Accreditation Process involves a structured, step-by-step approach designed to assess and improve clinic standards. Here’s an outline of the process: 1. Application and Registration Clinics interested in accreditation must first submit an application to the Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI). Once the application is accepted, the clinic is officially enrolled in the accreditation process. 2. Self-Assessment The clinic conducts a self-assessment based on the AFPI accreditation standards. This includes evaluating clinic infrastructure, staff competence, clinical practices, safety protocols, and patient care quality. 3. Training and Support AFPI may offer workshops, guidelines, and training to assist clinics in understanding and meeting the required standards. This helps clinic staff implement best practices and prepare for the formal evaluation. 4. On-Site Assessment An independent team of AFPI-appointed assessors conducts an on-site evaluation. This assessment includes a thorough review of clinical records, staff qualifications, patient safety protocols, and overall management. 5. Report and Feedback After the assessment, the assessors submit a detailed report to AFPI outlining their findings. The clinic receives feedback on areas of strength and areas that need improvement. 6. Accreditation Decision Based on the assessors’ report, AFPI decides whether to grant accreditation. If the clinic meets all the standards, it is awarded accreditation. If not, the clinic may be asked to make improvements and undergo re-evaluation. 7. Certification and Recognition Once accredited, the clinic receives a certification from AFPI, which is valid for a specific period. The clinic can publicly display its accreditation status as a mark of quality. 8. Ongoing Monitoring and Renewal Accredited clinics are required to maintain the standards and undergo periodic reviews for continued accreditation. Renewal typically involves re-assessment to ensure continuous compliance with evolving standards. This process ensures that accredited clinics provide safe, high-quality, and patient-centred care, aligning with AFPI’s vision of promoting excellence in family medicine.

Accreditation Fee

The AFPI Clinic Accreditation Fee Structure is designed to be affordable and accessible for clinics seeking to enhance their quality standards. While the exact fees may vary depending on the size and type of clinic, the structure generally includes: 1. Application Fee A non-refundable fee payable at the time of submitting the application to initiate the accreditation process. INR 5500 +18% GST = Total INR 2. Assessment Fee This covers the cost of the on-site evaluation by an independent team of assessors. The fee may vary depending on the clinic’s size, location, and complexity. 3. Training and Support Fees (Optional) If the clinic opts for training workshops, guidelines, or preparatory assistance from AFPI, additional charges may apply for these services. 4. Annual Maintenance or Renewal Fee Accredited clinics are required to pay an annual fee to maintain their certification. This covers ongoing monitoring and periodic re-assessments. Fee Variations: Small Clinics: Lower fees to accommodate smaller setups with limited resources. Larger or Specialised Clinics: Higher fees may apply due to the increased complexity and scope of the assessment. AFPI strives to keep the fee structure transparent and cost-effective to encourage widespread participation in the accreditation program, promoting the improvement of clinic standards across India. For specific details, clinics can directly inquire with AFPI.

Application Form

To apply for the AFPI Clinic Accreditation, clinics need to fill out the official Application Form provided by the Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI). The form typically requires the following information: 1. Clinic Details Clinic Name Address (including contact information like phone number and email) Registration Number (if applicable) Type of Clinic (General, Specialty, Family Practice, etc.) 2. Owner/Management Information Name of the Clinic Owner or Medical Director Contact Details (phone number and email) Qualifications and Years of Experience 3. Staff Information List of medical and non-medical staff, including: Names Qualifications Roles/Positions Years of Experience 4. Clinic Infrastructure Details about the physical setup, including: Number of Consultation Rooms Waiting Areas Diagnostic Facilities (if any) Pharmacy (if applicable) 5. Clinical Services Provided List of healthcare services offered at the clinic (e.g., general consultations, preventive care, diagnostics, chronic disease management, etc.). 6. Current Standards and Procedures Information on: Patient Care Protocols Safety Measures (e.g., infection control, emergency response plans) Record-Keeping Practices 7. Declaration A signed declaration stating that the clinic abides by local regulations and is willing to undergo the AFPI accreditation process. 8. Application Fee Payment Details about the fee payment (receipt or transaction details). Submission The completed form, along with necessary documents, is typically submitted to the AFPI office or via their official online platform, if available. Clinics can obtain the application form directly from AFPI’s website or contact their office for more details. The form may vary slightly depending on any updates or specific requirements from AFPI.